Ah, COVID time–why are you so elastic? It feels like the beginning of summer was just yesterday, then suddenly I wake up today and it’s 52 degrees out. Which of course is totally reasonable when it’s mid-October, but how is it already mid-October?!
Not to mention that I have all of two posts to show for spending forever getting this site up and running, but yolo. I’m not going to dwell on that and am just taking the bull by the horns and writing a post today! Even if it’s a short one because we’re heading to the MOVIE THEATER shortly (could I be more excited about being able to go back to the theater?!). In case you don’t know me, going to the movies is (well, used to be before COVID) my favorite activity and I’m sorry but watching at home just isn’t the same. I’m not back up to my previous total by any measure (yes, I did see 525 movies in the theater over 10 years, and did write blog posts summing up each year for all that time).
So what did I do this past year, besides not go to the movies and hardly blog? Well, basically, shop online. I mean I did also read and binge watch all the things and even started doing crafts–something pre-COVID me would NEVER. But yeah, even the craft thing pretty much started with online shopping, as did the idea for Chic n’ Geek for the most part. But anyway–I figured that since I was already shopping, I may as well be bookmarking my favorite things for when I eventually got this site up and running so I could save people the billions of hours I’d already spent finding all the bargains, dupes and coolest things. And, you know, spend less money shopping and more time finally sharing all the stuff I’ve been obsessively bookmarking to share.
With that, I present (mostly to my mom, who I’ve been telling about this feature for months but never actually shared the link) my favorite things section and my Amazon storefront. The favorite things page is just a start–I need to add a huge backlog of things that I’ve bookmarked, and the Amazon storefront I’ll also be updating (btw, I also need to flesh out my disclosure page but to sum up, I am an Amazon influencer which means I earn commission from qualifying purchases and will also disclose any other affiliate links).
Ok, I need to get showered and dressed for the movies but I’m nerd excited to try this new shopping widget featuring some favorite chinoiserie chic bathroom accessories. I’ll be back soon to share a) how the movie was and b) more favorite things. Also reminds me that I need to share my bathroom remodel before and after…so many blog posts I meant to write and nothing but time to procrastinate writing them!
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